Ok, so this did take place last weekend but I have only just t found a spare moment to blog about it. But I completed my first ever trek (anywhere)!
My first experience of trekking included an over-excited old man who was on a one-man mission (I think he forgot he was meant to be a guide for the most part) to uncover the path that could be utilised should Bologna decide to construct a subway system. It took me about half an hour to link this with the theme of the trek: in mezzo scorre il fiume (the river runs through it). Apparently, it's a feasible idea to construct a subway system following the paths of the rivers in Bologna. I still don't understand why Bologna needs a subway system- the city is too small to justify hopping on a train to get from one side to the other!
The tour began in the town of Cassalechio, a bus journey out of main Bologna, where we were shown some wonderful streams and waterfalls in secluded parts of the town. Il Parco fluviale Riva Reno Romainville had a beautiful riverbed with an abundance of white-washed rocks. Above this was suspended a eerily-modern white bridge that made me think more of San Francisco than medieval Bologna. The walk over the bridge reminded me of being on a ferry on a particularly windy day. Or just being blind drunk.
Anyway, the tour was a successful one and I can know tell you the location of many pretty riverbeds in and around Bologna, as well as many reasons why Bologna does not have a subway system- for good reasons.
Trekking Urbano was carried out from 29 to 31 October and it was completely free to participate. Not bad. Not bad at all. It takes place every year and it definitely a good way to see a different side to Bologna.
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